NBA teams with most cap space in 2023 are Houston Rockets, Indiana Pacers, Detroit Pistons and SA Spurs. Houston has $48,083,548 cap space.

The 2022-23 regular season ended on April 9, 2023, while Denver Nuggets and Miami Heat are competing for the coveted NBA Championship. 

As the 2023 season is nearing its end, teams and players have to be careful about the new salary cap rules and provisions for the new season.

NBA and National Basketball Players Association (NBPA) reached a new agreement for the upcoming seven years to ease labor peace in the league.

As the meeting ended on 2nd April, the new deal of management will start with the 2023-24 season and will be in charge in the upcoming days.

With everything settled from the inside, the league released the salary cap limit for the season, while teams have released their financial status to start the preparations for another big NBA season.

Take a look at the new salary cap, the team's cap space, and their effects on the roster here.

NBA Salary Cap By Team

The NBA salary cap aims to limit the amount of money that a team can spend on players' salaries. It is a common practice in every major sport.

NBA's salary cap order keeps the overall costs down and also maintains a competitive balance among the 30 NBA teams as they restrict richer clubs from establishing prominence by signing more top-star recruits than other teams who have low budgets.

Meanwhile, unlike other American sports leagues, NBA has a soft salary cap. The soft salary cap allows teams to go above the salary cap, but they will face reduced privileges during free agency.

National Basketball Association aims to level the competitive balance among all of the teams while the players have become the world's best-paid athletes by average annual salary per player.

With the end of the 2022-23 regular season and the NBA Finals near its commencement, the fans are awaiting the 78th season, 2023/24.

Sportrac, the most popular player contract resource has presented the NBA salary cap per team ahead of the 2023/24 season.

NBA Team NameSalary Cap
Atlanta Hawks$187,763,451
Boston Celtics$184,603,422
Brooklyn Nets$201,212,428
Charlotte Hornets$170,806,123
Chicago Bulls$192,026,272
Cleveland Cavaliers$186,321,723
Dallas Mavericks$214,898,961
Denver Nuggets$199,906,497
Detroit Pistons$129,280,248
Golden State Warriors$235,788,953
Houston Rockets$85,916,452
Indiana Pacers$121,197,156
Los Angeles Clippers$227,977,525
Los Angeles Lakers$222,517,017
Memphis Grizzlies$160,463,929
Miami Heat$201,017,283
Milwaukee Bucks$221,257,277
Minnesota Timberwolves$200,995,591
New Orleans Pelicans$207,639,272
New York Knicks$175,605,336
Oklahoma City Thunder$146,082,408
Orlando Magic$134,760,123
Philadelphia 76ers$193,336,934
Phoenix Suns$207,641,304
Portland Trail Blazers$209,927,647
Sacramento Kings$184,398,689
San Antonio Spurs$129,804,959
Toronto Raptors$173,934,486
Utah Jazz$148,060,860
Washington Wizards$199,915,924

NBA Most Cap Space 2023

A cap space is an amount still available for adding in extra contracts under the salary cap. NBA teams have recently released their cap space.

Teams spend their salary cap mostly by reeling in the top players, so they often go under negative cap space.

The following list carries the 10 NBA Teams Salary Cap Space from the highest to the lowest for the upcoming season:

  1. Houston Rockets             $48,083,548  
  2. Indiana Pacers                 $12,802,844
  3. Detroit Pistons                $4,719,752
  4. San Antonio Spurs          $4,195,041
  5. Orlando Magic                $-760,123
  6. Oklahoma City Thunder $-12,082,408
  7. Utah Jazz                         $-13,860,860
  8. Memphis Grizzlies          $-26,463,929
  9. Charlotte Hornets           $-36,806,123
  10. Toronto Raptors             $-39,934,486

The NBA team with the most cap space in 2023 is Houston Rockets at $48,083,548, while the lowest on the list is the Golden State Warriors. The Warriors have a cap space of $-101,038,953, followed by a supertax space of $-34,685,898.

Per the rules, the teams that are under the cap will have their cap holds applied to their overall cap. Meanwhile, the teams who stand over the cap will not have their cap holds applied, and they must use any exceptions they possess.

Thus, a lot goes inside the NBA management between the teams, the league, and the players' association to balance out the financial issues.

NBA New Salary Cap Rules

NBA Salary Cap rules and terms have been made under the league's collective bargaining agreement (CBA). The 2017 edition of CBA was in charge of the salary cap setup and various other rules in the league.

According to the same CBA, the cap can vary based on league revenues in future seasons. However, the NBA and players agreed on a new CBA on April 2, 2023.

NBA and NBPA has agreed upon a new CBA to work out for the 2023-2024 NBA season.
Source : facebook

CBS Sports confirmed the following new changes per the new agreement regarding the paying manners:

  • There will likely be no lockout until 2029 at the earliest, a relief for the players.
  • The salary cap will not change this season as well; hence, the players and owners will be splitting the league's basketball-related income as before.
  • However, teams going over the salary cap will be facing slightly higher luxury taxes than before.
  • The fixed tax brackets will increase every year by the same amount that the salary cap does.
  • The salary cap cannot increase by more than 10% in any given year, no matter the new revenue generation. If there is an excess, it should be used in future seasons.
  • The players will get all of their money despite the excess revenue, but it won't come as a short-term spike that alters the competitive balance of the league. 
  • The league's licensing revenue will now count as basketball-related income, and the players have been included to be a part of that revenue.
  • Teams can now have three-way players who can split their time between three leagues.
  • Contract extensions' salary figures have been increased to 40% from 20%.

While these are some of the new rules under the new CBA, there are many more rules to follow in terms of tax, trade, awards, drafts, and many other reasons.

While there is some more time left for the new CBA to come into action, the smartest NBA teams will likely find other ways to bend and twist these agreements for their benefit in the competition.

Does NBA Have A Salary Cap?

Yes, NBA has a specific salary cap which is determined by a “basketball-related income” percentage each season.

Out of the total yearly revenue of the league, the players are given half of the share. According to the new CBA, the maximum salary cap is set at $134,000,000 for the upcoming 2023-24 season.

Meanwhile, it was $123,655,000 in the last 2022-2023 season. Steph Curry, LeBron James, and Kevin Durant were the top three highest-paid players in the last season. The three took home over $44 million each in salary, topped off by Curry's whopping $48 million paycheque.

Stephen Curry of the Golden State Warriors was the highest paid player of the NBA season last year.
Source : foxsports

The regular 2023-24 NBA season will begin in October 2023 and end in April 2024. But before that, the 2023 NBA Draft will be held on June 22 at Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York.

Since Chicago Bulls and the Philadelphia 76ers had violated the NBA's tampering rules during free agency, this year's draft will see 58 picks instead of the traditional 60 players.

San Antonio Spurs has the first pick to choose their favorite player this draft as they had won NBA Draft Lottery 2023, presented by State Farm.