Best Individual Sports | 20 List of Solo Sports You Can Play Alone

Best Individual Sports | 20 List of Solo Sports You Can Play Alone

Sports definitely should be a part of your life as it reveals your character, helps you build a better one, and most importantly, teaches you the lesson of winning and losing! When we say sports, we don’t always mean going out in the scorching sun, padded garbs, or huddling.

What are the best solo sports in 2023? Popular Individual Sports You Can Play Alone at home or outside that are Scuba Diving, Cycling, White Water Rafting, Snorkeling, fishing, surfing, paddle boarding, Swimming and so on.

So it might be a little shocking that there are plenty of sports you can play alone. And if you question whether a solo sport is something you should care for, they are equally beneficial and entertaining.

Individual sports offer participants a wide range of opportunities to hone their abilities. It helps you learn new skills, boosts self-confidence, and also aids in the overall development of the body. And, there are so many platforms which you can take to move forward with your excellency in a particular individual sport.

For instance, the Olympics serves as a contrivance for everyone looking for ways to participate in solitary sports. The number of calories you burn or the type of sports you opt for does not have to be the defining factor in maintaining your physical health, fitness, or the fun you seek.

In that very spirit, here in this article, we will talk about those 20 solo sports you can partake in and enjoy immensely. We are further listing them along with the equipment requirement, level of difficulty, ease of access, and dope factor. Yep, we made it much easier for you all to have fun while challenging yourself!

Dancing | Land Sport

Did you roll your eyes seeing dancing in a sports category? Well, it is a sport, the most fun and predominant one. There are so many competitions that we can’t even think of, and the forms of dancing- wow! It is artistically pleasing to watch, so much fun to participate in, and frequently symbolic.


History: Originated 5000 to 9000 years ago

Equipment required: You and music, good to go!

Level of difficulty: It totally depends on the dance form

Ease of access: Easily accessed

Dope factor: 10/10. Duh!

Canyoning | Water Sport

Gorge hiking is easy to describe, like canyoning, which means you will be hiking at an extreme spot, comprising both land and water. To illustrate, at a specific point, you enter the gorge and proceed by following the water path. The thought of jumping into a mountain stream while dealing with a canyon sounds daring.


History: Introduced in 1869

Equipment required: Rope, gloves, harness, map, wetsuit

Level of difficulty: Fairly difficult

Ease of access: Not easily accessible

Dope factor: Out there on wild- 10/10

White Water Rafting | Water Sport

White water rafting is a leisurely water sport in which 4 to 8 people are transported down river rapids by inflatable rafts. It comes under adventure sports and is fun to do with your friends. You will be provided with an experienced rafting guide if you are a beginner.


History: Introduced in 1811

Equipment required: Rafting boat, Life jackets, paddles

Level of difficulty: Quite tricky where there is high water current 

Ease of access: You need a fast-flowing river

Dope factor: 9/10

Scuba Diving | Water Sport

Scuba diving is a big brother to snorkeling!

It must be the coolest sport on our list. You ask why? In scuba diving, you can move freely underwater, giving you a sense of belonging to the aquatic environment. Moreover, it feels like flying, which is another reason. You hardly feel the effects of gravity, and it’s as if you’re soaring into space. Feel the blues…


History: Introduced in 1942

Equipment required: Air cylinder, diving mask, suit

Level of difficulty: Difficult

Ease of access: You will require a sea or an ocean

Dope factor: Wowza! 10/10

Snorkeling | Water Sport

It is an activity of swimming in which we dive deep into a body of water while wearing a diving mask, a snorkel-shaped breathing tube, and typically swimfins. It is a relatively easy and enjoyable sport but could be intimidating for beginners. Also, you are advised to stretch before jumping in to avoid cramping.


History: 3000 B.C

Equipment required: Snorkel, fins, and mask (essentially!)

Level of difficulty: Moderately complex but scary

Ease of access: You need a sea

Dope factor: 9/10

Fishing | Water Sport

Now, this is a cool sport! While it generally is an activity of trying to catch fish, it comes under sport, also known as recreational fishing. As commonly depicted in movies as a father-child time when a dad takes his son or daughter fishing, it is a perfect sport. People pursue it for pleasure, exercise, and competition. And as someone who loves fish, I would say that it kills two birds with one stone!


History: Invented around 40,000 years ago

Equipment required: Fishing rod, hook, bait, lures…

Level of difficulty: Moderately hard

Ease of access: You need a significant water source

Dope factor: 8/10

Free diving | Water Sport

It is a dangerous solo sport, and there’s no hiding it. Freediving is submerging without the use of a breathing device. While experts may dive to great depths and hold their breath for up to ten minutes, it still requires much training and can be dangerous. Therefore, even though we listed it here, you must bring someone with you if you are an amateur and want to explore this sport.


History: Introduced in 1949

Equipment required: Nothing

Level of difficulty: Yes, difficult

Ease of access: Open and significant water sources required

Dope factor: Again, 10/10. It’s wild!

Surfing | Water Sport

Another fantastic sport, surfing, uses a board to ride on the forward face of a flowing wave of water that propels the surfer towards the direction of the shore. Surfing is a great way to unwind and get an effective workout, but huge waves can unquestionably be risky, so it is essential to use caution.

It is one of the sportiest sports on this list and not for everyone. So, you will love it if you are an adrenaline junkie and need someone to look out for you in that surf-giving ocean. It is exciting, challenging, and addictive.


History: Introduced in the 112th century in Polynesia

Equipment required: Surfboard, fins, wetsuit…

Level of difficulty: Difficult

Ease of access: Not easily accessible

Dope factor: 10/10

Paddle Boarding | Water Sport

We know that there are many versions of paddle boarding; among them, stand-up paddle boarding, or SUP, is the world’s fastest-growing one. SUPs can be used for surfing, touring, racing, and much more in rivers and streams. On the other hand, kayaking is another sport similar to paddle boarding but where it differs is that the kayakers use double-bladed paddles and sit on a low seat with their legs spread forward. It is more amusing to the people who love the outdoors and opt for sedate pursuits.


Now, while comparing the benefits health-wise, kayaking works your arms and core in contrast to SUP, which uses your complete body. Paddleboarding works as a workout improving your arms, abdomen, legs, flexibility, and general balance.

History: Introduced in the 1940s in Waikiki, Hawaii

Equipment required: Stand Up Paddleboard (SUP), and a rescue whistle

Level of difficulty: Difficult where the flow of water is high

Ease of access: You need to go to a lake or sea (a significant water source)

Dope factor: 9/10

Swimming | Water Sport

You may swim in a pool or open water, you may have a free dive, or you can explore wild swimming; there are a lot of varieties of swimming as a sport. Unquestionably, it is one of the best solo sports available, which is a terrific way to enjoy yourself while working out your whole body. It involves moving through the water while using one’s entire body. Just like Dory said to Nemo- Keep Swimming!


History: 2500 BCE in Egypt

Equipment required: Swimming suit, water source, and goggles

Level of difficulty: Depends on the depth of water

Ease of access: Fairly accessible

Dope factor: 6/10

Cycling | Land Sport

Starting with this particular sport as it is ranked first, being the most voted solo sport as per people’s likings!

Cycling has always been a popular pastime everywhere, especially in heavily populated European towns where it is used as a primary form of transportation. Cycling leads this list because we can use it for transport, recreation, exercise, or sport. While it is primarily an aerobic sport, it works out your heart, blood vessels, and lungs, a whole package for improving your cardiorespiratory system.


Now, here is something you might find unsettling, cycling makes its position among the wealthiest global sports. It accounts for more than 15% of all sports products market revenue, and its international sales have increased since 2009. To illustrate, the recent global bike sales hit $46 billion (€33 billion). We are all aware that The Tour de France is the world’s biggest and toughest cycling competition.

Cycling has several subcategories inside the racing division, such as road racing, cyclo-cross, mountain biking, track cycling, BMX, and cycle speedway. Likewise, there are non-racing activities such as creative cycling, cycle polo, freestyle BMX, and mountain bike trails. So, we can conclude that it has unlimited options no matter how you want to utilize this sport.

History: Introduced in the 19th century

Equipment required: A regular bike to a high-range mountain bike (depends on your choice)

Level of difficulty: Low (on plain lanes) High (on rocky mountains)

Ease of access: Pretty familiar to find a trail

Dope factor: Average dope factor if you are cycling but if you’re performing wheelie?- 10/10 dope for that

Skiing | Land Sport

A common desire while being on snowy ground; is skiing, an outdoor sport in which we use skis to move across snow. It is also basic transportation and leisure pastime or a competitive winter sport. Furthermore, The International Ski Federation and International Olympic Committee recognize this golden sport.


History: invented between 8000 and 7000 BCE

Equipment required: Skiis, Skii boot, Helmet

Level of difficulty: Moderately difficult

Ease of access: You require a snowy field

Dope factor: 9/10

Rollerblading | Land Sport

Let’s talk about the classic! It is skating wearing your rollerblades. While it is a practical method of transportation, you can add some flair once you are a pro. Sadly, this sport is dying as in 2010, the number of in-line skaters had plunged by 64%. So, get rolling if you are thinking about learning/reviving a cool solo sport.


History: in 1819 (patented by Monsieur Petitbled)

Equipment required: Rollerblades! Helmet and all for the safety, though

Level of difficulty: Difficult at the beginning

Ease of access: You can start rolling right outside of your house

Dope factor: 10/10

Archery | Land Sport

Are you thinking about Hawkeye? This super-old sport was previously used mainly for hunting and as a competitive sport in the modern old. Want to learn how to fire an arrow with a bow? Then, this unique sport is just right for you. Moreover, it will improve your hand-eye coordination, patience, and focus.


History: dates back to 10,000 BC (damn!)

Equipment required: Bow, Arrows, and Target

Level of difficulty: Fairly challenging to master

Ease of access: If you have the equipment, easy!

Dope factor: Dope! 9/10

Golf | Land Sport

Also known as the rich man’s game, golf is another solo sport you can enjoy as a lifetime pastime. While it’s not a sport many people take up at an early age, one can get better at it with focused practice. Unfortunately, this luxury sport is also on a verse of dying as the people who partake in playing it are getting old.


History: In the 15th century, Scotland

Equipment required: Golf clubs, golf balls, and a bag

Level of difficulty: Easy to learn but challenging to be good at

Ease of access: Not accessed easily; you need a course

Dope factor: 8/10. It looks cool.

Gymnastics | Land Sport

The ultimate sport to improve your balance, flexibility, agility, and coordination while maintaining the health of your body! Gymnastics has been an Olympic sport since it was accepted into the first Summer Olympic games in 1896. However, it has a history dating much back than this. It corresponds to the development of all muscle groups of your body.


History: In 1811

Equipment required: Chalk and some other props.

Level of difficulty: High

Ease of access: You can do it anywhere

Dope factor: It’s more pleasing to watch than being a dope thing, so, 6/10

Parkour | Land Sport

There is one rule of parkour, and there are no rules! Also known as free running, it is a practice of navigating the urban environment by jumping, climbing, rolling, and sprinting. David Belle first created the idea in Paris with guidelines for the art of movement provided by his father.

You must have loved the episode in The Office when Michael, Dwight, and Andy tried pulling this sport and failed hilariously!


History: Introduced in the 1990s in Paris

Equipment required: You and a pair of good shoes

Level of difficulty: Much more complex than just running. Also, it depends on the roadblocks you face!

Ease of access: You got a street? Parkour!

Dope factor: 10/10

Running | Land Sport

Maybe we don’t need to invest much time describing running. You can call it whatever you want- running, jogging, brisk walking! Whatever your fitness level is, it’s a great form of exercise that you can practice anywhere, and since we humans are naturally good at it, it comes to us quickly and straightforwardly. Another significant benefit: Running releases endorphins, thus working as a fantastic stress reliever.


History: Two million years ago (not surprised!)

Equipment required: Those sturdy legs of yours and a solid footwear

Level of difficulty: Easy (make sure you don’t have breathing problems)

Ease of access: You can literally run ANYWHERE

Dope factor: Maybe 6/10? Common, it’s running!

Rock climbing | Land Sport

Rock climbing sometimes referred to as bouldering, has grown in popularity recently. One may start rock climbing any place as long as you have some trustworthy upper body strength. In addition, there are several spots in cities where they have installed climbing walls, and you can begin by scaling those brick walls, trees, or other structures. Rock climbing is considered of the best single-player sports, which also turns out to be an excellent workout.

However, no matter how much fun and unusual experience it provides, if you are afraid of heights, please don’t try it.


History: In the late 19th century (for recreational purposes)

Equipment required: You, of course! However, spend a few bucks on ropes and a helmet.

Level of difficulty: Depends upon how steep the rock is, but pretty high.

Ease of access: You need to be in a place with hilly rocks unless you are climbing your house wall

Dope factor: Impressive! 8/10

Skateboarding | Land Sport

The action sport that has its roots in the United States, Skateboarding is an art, recreational activity, and transportation mode. It is one of the coolest street sports if done property, and we want to emphasize “doing it correctly” as if you fail on this sport, it does not look good, my friend.


All you need is some leveled ground and some bravery to get started. While it has earned its reputation of being associated with depressed teenagers, it no longer holds to its old anecdote. Moreover, after the Covid19 pandemic, skateboarding took a hit.

Furthermore, skateboarding debuted in the 2020 Summer Olympics held in Tokyo. If you have never done this sport before, it may take some time to get used to, but once it grows in you, it is fun to spend an afternoon.

History: Introduced in the 1950s in California

Equipment required: A skateboard

Level of difficulty: Medium (Unless you are skating in the middle of honking traffic)

Ease of access: You got a paved road? There you are.

Dope factor: Once you overcome the nitty-gritty beginner’s curve, it’s 10/10. I mean, skateboarding will always be cool!

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