Basketball jokes are a great way to add entertainment and laughter to a game. Let us guffaw a three pointer.

Everyone who loves basketball has a favorite NBA team. Basketball jokes and riddles can be just as entertaining as the game itself.

Funny basketball jokes will make you laugh, whether you enjoy playing or watching it.

According to recent search data, basketball jokes are searched almost 2,400 times each month. We've gathered a collection of basketball jokes below for people who love the sport or want to laugh.

Every basketball fan will enjoy these basketball jokes you know.

Epic Basketball Jokes That Will Make You Laugh

People watch basketball with friends and family. they even make a jokes and laugh.
Source : freepik

Enjoy these hilarious basketball jokes, you'll be laughing uncontrollably at them.

1. What do basketball players do if they can't see?

They become referees.

2. When you miss a basket, what do you say?


5. Do you know why the NBA fired the referee?

It's because he was a whistleblower.

6. Have you heard about the basketball team without a website?

It seems that they are unable to connect three "W"s together.

Animals Are Best At Basketball

Basketball fans has made funny jokes related to animals.
Source : redbubble

Basketball fans have made animal-related jokes. They have related different animals to ther jokes.

7. What do you call a pig who throws basketballs?

A ball hog.

8. Which animal is the best basketball player?

A score-pion.

9. When you see an elephant with a basketball what will you do?

Move out of its way.

10. Why dinosaurs can't play basketball?

Because they are dead.

11. Why is an octopus bad at basketball?

Because they always get tentacles' fouls.

12. What do you name a shrimp who is an excellent basketball player?

James Leprawn.

13. Why are cats bad as basketball?

They shoot too many hairballs.

14. What do you call a shark who plays basketball?

The Sharq.

15. Why are frogs so talented at basketball?

Because they keep making jump shots.

16. Why are spiders, excellent basketball players? 

Simple, they are eight-footers.

17. Why did the chicken cross the basketball court?

Because they heard the referee blowing for fouls.

Funny Jokes On Player

There is basketball jokes related to player like Tacko Fall.
Source : sideaction

The ball is in the court so have fun. Basketball fans have made some funny player jokes that make you laugh aloud.

18. Which basketball player might best represent fall as a spokesperson? 

Fall Tacko.

19. What video games do basketball players enjoy playing the most?

Shooting stars.

20. What was said by the Bumblebee basketball player after making a foul shot?

Hive Scores!

21. What do you call a basketball player that has allergies?

Scott Epipen.

22. In which American state are new uniforms provided for basketball players?

New Jersey.

23. How do basketball players maintain themselves cool while playing?

They stand near the fans.

24. What does the IBS basketball player wear?

Fitness sharts

Basketball fans makes jokes related to food also.
Source : pinterest

25. Why do basketball players like cookies?

Because they can dunk them.

26. What kind of cheese do basketball players loves to eat?

Swish Cheese.

27. How did the failing basketball team relate to the scrambled eggs?

Both of them had been beaten.

28. Why do basketball players have untidy eating habits? 

Becuase they continuously dribble.

29. What do basketball players says to breakfast?

Fast breaks.

Put Your Hope In The Hoop

30. Why did retired basketball players launch a brewery? 

Because they have hops

31. What does an astronaut get if they have athlete's foot, like a basketball player?

Missle toe.

32. What do you call someone who runs back and forward on shouting one minute, then falls down sobbing uncontrollably the next?

A basketball coach.

33. Due to my height, people frequently questioned whether I played basketball. When I asked about their experience with mini-golf, they stopped asking me that.

34. Why did the basketball team decide to join a craft club?

Because they desired to learn basketmaking abilities!

Winner Train, Looser Complain

Basketball players hang around the fans in the hot gyms to keep cool.
Source : hotcore

35. The star basketball player for the group made the choice to spend the full weekend at home.

He didn't want to get in trouble for taking a trip.

36. Everyone questioned why Cinderella was such a poor player.

She had a pumpkin-shaped coach.

37. The basketball decided to go to the bank himself to find out why all the checks were returning after realizing they were all bouncing.

38. What should you do if you found three Los Angeles Lakers basketball fans buried neck-deep in cement?

Purchase additional cement.

39. Why did the basketball player draw chickens while watching from the sidelines?

He was leaarning to draw fouls.

40. What do you call a basketball player who fails to dunk?

The alley Whoops.

Basketball team has been linked with the jokes and they are hilarious.
Source : scottfujita

The basketball fans has made a funny jokes related to the footbal team.

41. Who is the North Pole's favorite basketball team?

The Old Saint Knicks of New York.

42. How many New York Knicks players are required to replace a tire?

Only one unless there is a blowout in which case everyone shows up.

43. Why doesn't Albany have an NBA team?

Because New York City would want one too if that happened.

44. What do you call a group of twelve millionaires watching the playoffs on television?

The Timberwolves of Minnesota.

45. Why is Madison Square Garden the venue for the Westminister Dog Show?

A different team than the Knicks playing lifeless there was what the fans wanted to see.

46. What does a Cavs fan do after his team wins the NBA Finals?

Deactivate the Xbox One.

47. Why were the basketball team's uniforms so static-filled?

The team was lacking in bounce.

Basketball Referee Are Like Angry Chicken

Basketball referee maintain the games rules and the basketball fans has made a jokes about them also.
Source : enidnews

The basketball referee keeps the game in order and maintains the rules. However, there are jokes related to basketball refree that will make you laugh.

48. While two NBA basketball referees were strolling across the countryside, they came across some tracks.

Deer traces, the first responded.

The second one answered, "No, bear footprints."

As soon as the train hit them, the conversation came to an abrupt end.

49. What are the similarities between chickens and basketball referees?

Their mouths are filthy.

Basketball fans has made jokes related to the show.

50. Did you know the name of the remake of the best basketball movie?  

Hoosier Daddy

51. Did you hear about the brand-new basketball science fiction series?

It goes under the name Hooper Natural.

52. Why do basketball players in schools consistently perform poorly on their assignments?

Because they don't want to pass.

53. What do you call a basketball player's unbelievable story? 

A tall tale.

54. What do you call a group of twelve millionaires watching the NBA Finals on TV?

The Pistons of Detroit.

Soccer is the most popular sport worldwide, and basketball is unquestionably the most entertaining sport to watch.
Source : hilltopviewsonline

55. How do basketball and soccer players differ from one another?

Basketball players suffer serious injuries.

56. Why do thieves play basketball so well?

They are able to shoot, steal, and flee.

57. Who is the finest basketball player from Star Wars?

Kobe Wan Kenobi.

The basketball player positions as point guard has specific skills that he or she specializes in. Let's look at some of the related jokes.

58. Where do point guards go with their girlfriends after a game?

The basketball, of course.

59. Point guards can fit everywhere.

They are the shortest player on the team and the best passer and ball handler.

60. Why was the basketball player sent to prison?

He shot the ball.

Basketball fans has made jokes on basketball courts like why does court get wet after game.
Source : anonymouseagle

Basketball fans has made hilarious jokes related to the basketball court.

61. Why is the basketball court hot after the game?

Because every single fan left the court.

62. Why does a basketball court get so wet right after a game?

Because basketball players continue to dribble.

63. What was there on Lookout Mountain near Denver's basketball court?

The vantage positions.

64. How the volume of a basketball measured by a mathematician, a physicist, and an engineer?

The mathematician takes a cord, measures its circumference, and uses that information to calculate its volume.

A bucket of water is filled with the basketball, and the physicist measures how much water is moved by the basketball.

The engineer searches it up in the catalog.

65. What was there on Lookout Mountain near Denver's basketball court?

The vantage positions.

Action Speaks Louder Than Coaches

Each basketball player has a unique strategy for making a basket, and their skill is essential to the win.
Source : youtube

66. Three people are trapped on a desert island: a star basketball player, a geometry major, and an engineering student.

They're deciding whether to be rescued or moved off the island. Looking around, the engineering student only sees a few coconuts and palm trees.

"We need to clear the trees and build a raft to escape on." He says before he begins to design.

The basketball player calls out for help setting up a hoop, and the geometry major's eyes light up.

Why don't you spend your time helping me instead of him? As he struggles to use palm leaves to tie two logs together, the engineering student smirks.

The geometry major offers no response, instead drawing a line on the sand a decent distance from the makeshift hoop and offering the basketball player a coconut. The basketball player sets up his shot and effortlessly sinks it.

The geometry student looks to the engineering student and smiles.

"Because a plane may always be made out of three points."

Then he takes off flying.

Dribble The Dream Double The Scream

The action of dribbling includes bouncing the ball with one or both hands on the ground. 

67. Basketball players wears bibs. Why?

Because they dribble.

68. One main different between a dog and a basketball player is that the former dribbles, while the later drools.

69. I took my new wife to see our new house, a basketball court. She declared she preferred an out-of-court resolution.

70. One main different between a dog and a basketball player is that the former dribbles, while the later drools.

71. Why was Michael Jordan seen as egotistical by NBA fans?

Because he constantly turned on Air.

72. When his team wins the NBA Finals, what does a Miami Heat fan do?

He switches the PlayStation off.

Other Hilarious Jokes To Laugh

There are several ways to make fun of the game of basketball.
Source : freepik

Everyone like to laugh and funny basketball jokes express a point in a humorous way. Did you have a tough day at the basketball court and are currently depressed?

You can make yourself chuckle just by reading amusing basketball jokes. 

73. Players are only permitted to have five pet chickens, according to a little-known college basketball rule.

If a player has more than five personal fowls, they will be removed from the game.

74. What do you call it when an Apple supporter is using a tablet to view a 90s film about a dog who plays basketball while wearing wireless headphones?

They are using their Air Pods earbuds to watch Air Bud on their iPad.

75. Basketball is a sport that won't be appropriate for people until the basket is set to height and the giraffes are brought back to the zoo.

76. Heaven and Hell played a basketball game that was set up by God and Satan.

God declared, "I am very certain that we will win. Satan responded, "I wouldn't bet on that, God. We have all the refs down here, as you can see.

77. Do you want to know what happens when you cross a basketball with a baby snake?

Really! Oh, you'll get a baby boa that swings.

78. Do you still have a question about the basketball player's ability to listen to his music?

He broke a record, don't you know!

79. The whale is so large that if you placed it end to end on a basketball court, the game would be called.

80. Don't believe the media if a fight breaks out between a YouTuber and a basketball player; the basketball player would prevail on the court.

81. Basketball is played by low-wage laborers. Tradespeople go bowling. Middle management engages in softball. Top managers engage in tennis. CEOs enjoy golf. The lesson: Your balls get smaller the higher you go.

82. What did the announcer say about the squad that kept losing?

They are a team in transition; their situation is becoming worse.

Some Funny Basketball Quotes To Laugh

Below we have listed some funny basketball quotes.

1. Every drill in basketball must be performed on a whole court because it is a full court game.

2. Shooting an air ball is significantly better to not shooting at all out of concern for missing.

3. While you have no control over the minutes you play, you do have power over how you use the minutes you do have.

4. If basketball doesn't workout, goodthing basketball's working out.

5. Basketball is a sport that is generally enjoyed by intelligent people, so it's fine if you don't like it.

6. If you were a basketball I would never shoot because I would miss you too much.

7. Tickets are sold through offense. Games are won on defense. Championships are won on rebounding.